Holiday Notice of Spring Festival


Dear Customers,
Thanks for your attention and wish you had a good Spring Festival !
Well, LONGLI will have Spring holiday from Jan.31th to Feb.8th.
If there are any RFQs or some urgent things,pls try to send them before 31th,so that we can solve them timely.
For any further urgent needs, please send to mail: or call at 15110071726 Misss Wu.
We will have limited access to my mail, but will answer as soon as possible.
All other non PCB queries will be answered upon my return.
Thanks for your kindly attention, and wish you have a perfect Spring Festival.

Best regards

Longli Towel Co.,LTD

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版权所有: LONGLI TOWEL Company  地址:Room 708,Jinyukele Business Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China  电话:010-65703502   传真:010-65703830

友情链接:卡通服装 武汉礼品公司 塑料颗粒 收购库存服装 天麻基地 北京毛巾批发 酒店服装定做 包包代理 代办北京营业执照 就我去购 广告衫 北京改衣 高档西服 就我去购网返利 马上减肥办法问我 土工布

M.r ZhaoM.r Zhao
M.r ZhaoMiss Wu